Area of Technical Expertise
Our attorneys have great expertise in protecting intellectual properties for a wide range of industries/products. We possess in-depth technical knowledge in medical devices, electrical apparatus, mechanical apparatus, chemical compositions & processes, pharmaceuticals, computer hardware/software. Below is a shortened list of patent examples done by us (listed alphabetically):
Advertising applications | Nanotechnology |
Anti-aging chemicals | Pet accessories |
Automobile parts | Physiological assessment tools |
Cellular phones | Power conversion units |
Collection software applications | Preservatives |
Defogging solutions | Pumps |
Dental instruments | Radar systems |
Drugs | Security devices |
Educational software | Surgical tools |
Electrical generators | Telecom software |
Financial software systems | Telemarketing applications |
Food stuffs | Topical creams |
Game consoles | Transmissions |
Garments | Toys |
Handheld devices | Video display units |
Heat sinks | Video games |
Household appliances | Video hardware |
Learning tools | Wireless devices |
Methods of doing business | |
Media solutions |